Purchasing Expired Film: Hit or Miss?

featured, Film

If you’re anything like me, you do a daily Ebay hunt to get those super deals from unsuspecting sellers who may not know how much the item they are selling is really worth.

From time to time, i truly strike GOLD and come across things I’ve been searching for for a long while AT CRAZY PRICES.

One of my most frequent searches is film, either 35mm or 120, since this is primarily what I shoot.

Recently, I came across not just one but TWO deals on film..my luck was on fire..or at least i was thinking this when i purchased the items.

There was only one catch with both films, they were both expired…

Developing Film with Coffee?…

featured, Film, Project, The Streets

Yes you read right

Well actually it takes more than just coffee to develop the film 🙂

There’s also Vitamin C and Washing Soda..which actually kind of makes it even less believable in my opinion lol..but I assure you it’s true, although traditional Fixer is still needed to fully develop the photos.

It’s called Caffenol, and it’s seemed to have gotten a large number of people back into film photography.

Recent Photoshoot: Yoga and it’s Beauty


Hello everyone, hope everything is going good 🙂

Recently, i was contacted by a good friend to do a photo shoot showcasing Yoga and it’s beauty.

I think i would be doing her and Yoga as a whole a disservice if i didn’t put some info on exactly what Yoga is so you will be seeing some info about Yoga in between a number of the images posted.