Finally! Caffenol CL 

featured, Film, Project, The Streets

Ladies and Gentlemen and all readers of this blog, I finally decided to do it

You’ve probably already read a previous post where I mention this very dedicated group of individuals who use Coffee to develop film (more accurately Coffee, Vitamin C and Washing Soda)

If you’d like to catch up by reading that previous post, here is the LINK

After some searching on the inter webs, I located the holy grail for all things Caffenol,

It’s chock full of recipes, tips, and other great resources

Developing Film with Coffee?…

featured, Film, Project, The Streets

Yes you read right

Well actually it takes more than just coffee to develop the film 🙂

There’s also Vitamin C and Washing Soda..which actually kind of makes it even less believable in my opinion lol..but I assure you it’s true, although traditional Fixer is still needed to fully develop the photos.

It’s called Caffenol, and it’s seemed to have gotten a large number of people back into film photography.