Ever Feel Frustrated with your Photography?


How many people have truly been frustrated or annoyed when looking over their own works?..

I know I have

It seems as though the more I learn and explore, I keep chasing this unattainable goal of satisfaction within myself to get where I want to be in my photos

Every so often you’ll get the very kind and humbling responses from others that view your work but deep inside it doesn’t feel like enough

You know it can be so much better

Update: Being Busy Isn’t Always an Excuse

featured, Project, The Streets

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to touch base with you all on a number of things i’ve been up to lately.

I’ve had to put a couple projects on hold due to certain things popping up in my life..

I’m the type of person who cannot sit still for too long

So if i’m ever working on a project, best know i’m thinking about 6 others while i’m working on that particular one lol

I know that’s a flaw of mine and trust me i’m doing my best to get that taken care of..lol

With that being said, the chaos that is my life usually keeps me busy and off taking care of stuff

But as i’ve been doing these other things, i make sure one thing remains constant…always have a camera with me.