Ever Feel Frustrated with your Photography?


How many people have truly been frustrated or annoyed when looking over their own works?..

I know I have

It seems as though the more I learn and explore, I keep chasing this unattainable goal of satisfaction within myself to get where I want to be in my photos

Every so often you’ll get the very kind and humbling responses from others that view your work but deep inside it doesn’t feel like enough

You know it can be so much better

Thoughts go through your mind like:

“What If I had opened up the aperture a bit more?”

“Why’d I use this lens instead of that one?”

“Why didn’t I push this film a stop more?”

“Maybe this would’ve been better on full frame instead of crop sensor?”

“Why didn’t I shoot film instead of digital on this day?”

“I’m such a fuck head”

At times I question my reasonings of why I even began this passionate relationship with photography

“Am I just wasting my time?”

On top of that, I view others works and get my mind blown on a semi-continuous basis

So much talent out there with new ones popping up!

Often it will make me a bit depressed, I won’t lie to you

I spend much of my time when I’m away from the camera watching YouTube vids or reading techniques on shooting, and it seems like I’m so close to achieving those results but I know I’m not there yet

At least I keep telling myself that

Since the start of this year, and the passing of my 34th birthday, I decided if I wasnt serious about photography before, I definitely am now

It’s time for a change, and I wanted to lay out some steps to get there

In my opinion this will begin with humbling myself

I’m a novice, an amateur, a student, and entry level in many aspects

I need to keep this in mind

I will do my best to be as active as ever this year

I apologize for not posting as much as I did before but I have been attempting to perfect my style and hone the skills I have been working on

Any time I needed assistance with anything in life, I sought out others who I believe are grounded in good fundamentals and may help me grow as I may be assisting with their growing as well

The second area I have been working on is reaching out

I recently came across some extraordinary talent on YouTube through a series called #TheCreatorsClass

Here is some info taken from their site:

A Movement in the Making for Creators, by Creators.

The Creator Class is a creativity lifestyle channel for those who share their passions for a living. Anchored by a YouTube and Instagram channel, the slate of social programming shares the lives, ambitions, and craft of leading content creatives in Music, Style, Adventure, Arts, and Culture that have become the voices of our generation.

Many of them being young, urban adults similar to myself with great work and inspiring philosophy on why they are as creative as they are

Check out the video playlist titled “The Creator Class Community”

Very cool individuals

I have reached out to link up with some of these folk as I think a meet up would be great as a learning experience

I write this post also to reach out to you

All of you awesome people who have taken the time to view my images, to read my poorly written, sometimes erratic posts on my experiences with different cameras, film formats, sensors, travels, etc

I would love to link up with you all and chat about your experiences, your techniques and why you love photography

I think this is all part of the growing process

And you know what? I may never get to where I want to be in my photo taking..but that’s ok

I have met some really amazing people through this, and I plan to meet many more as I work through this obstacle I seem to keep hitting from time to time

Lately I’ve been very active on other aspects of social media, so I’d like to give you some links to view those works

I post every 2-3 days on my Instagram which is:


If you haven’t gotten the link to my Flickr from previous posts, here it is:


I also have a Facebook page I update from time to time:


Feel free to reach out and shoot me a message on either of them

I usually respond right away

I also quickly wanted to give a HUGE shoutout to the great folks over at The Film Shooters Collective, which I am also a member of:


The incredible film photography coming out of this group, and on a consistent basis no less,really deserves respect and praise

Be sure to check all those folks out

Well to sum up..I write this now lying in bed stuck indoors due to a pretty serious snow storm and Even now I can’t stop thinking of projects, and gear, to keep pushing myself to get better

Thanks to everyone who has visited this site previously or is just visiting now

I hope to hear from you as I would love to pick the brain of others who are on the same path as me

Nite everyone

3 thoughts on “Ever Feel Frustrated with your Photography?

  1. I’d love to chat anytime, keep me in mind.

    Now, with all your questions, such as ““What If I had opened up the aperture a bit more?” etc..

    Most of those questions is about the result, the photograph.
    Now i got a more important question for you.
    Are you having fun (/ enjoying) while you are out and about photographing (the process)?

    If you even hesitate on saying yes, we have a more serious problem than which lens to use or even how many stop to push.

    IF, that’s the case, ask yourself, why do you photograph.

    1. I wouldn’t know how to hesitate concerning this question. Photography has become such a part of my life it’s like breathing. It’s more than fun to me, it’s a therapeutic and philosophical way of viewing the world. Thanks for replying

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