Rangefinder Love: Fuji GW690III

featured, Film, Project, The Streets

Today I’d like to tell you about a camera I’m slowly beginning to fall in love with

I think in part due to the fact it reminds me of my time with the Leica M when I first really started to delve deep into film photography but in a much larger format

It’s definitely not a camera that can fit in your pocket, but what you sacrifice you portability, you gain in image quality and resolution

The camera I’m speaking of is the Fuji GW690III, a fixed lens medium format film rangefinder

If you’ve never seen what one looks like, it’s basically a Leica M on steroids with some differences since it was designed by Fuji and not Leica

Where I’ve been..Medium Format Land

Film, Project, The Streets

Hey everybody

If you’re from the east coast of the U.S. , hope you’re enjoying the weather as much as I am (not at all)

Just kidding!

I’ve recently gotten some emails from some readers of the blog on how much they enjoyed previous posts so I felt the need to tell you guys about what I’ve been up to lately

Firstly, i’d like to thank everyone who took the time out to check out my blog and posts. It is greatly appreciated

Now back to the what i’ve been up to..well, I seem to have caught the Medium Format photography bug 🙂